The Best Smoked Salmon Spread With Horseradish And Fresh Thyme

The Best Smoked Salmon Spread With Horseradish And Fresh Thyme
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A super easy and tasty smoked salmon spread that I often serve for dinner or lunch any given sunny summer day. It makes a perfect picnic meal and is perfect to serve when you are having friends over for brunch. Serve it with baked potatoes, my delicious roasted potatoes or simply crackers. I usually serve this spread in a small side bowl on a plate with some greens on the side, and my Crispy And salt Rice Vinegar Potatoes.

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The Best Smoked Salmon Spread With Horseradish And Fresh Thyme
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Total Time
5 min
Total Time
5 min
  1. 7 oz (200 g) sliced smoked salmon chopped
  2. 1 cup (2,5 dl) sour cream
  3. 1 tbsp (15 ml) mayo
  4. 1,5 tbsp (22 ml) grated horse radish
  5. 1 tbsp (15 ml) sweet and sour sauce
  6. Salt and pepper
  7. 4 sprigs fresh thyme
  1. In a medium bowl, stir all the ingredients together except the smoked salmon. Chop the salmon and mix it in with the other ingredients. Serve
  1. This spread can easily be made one day in advance. I would highly recommend to chill the spread in the refrigerator before serving it on crackers.
Easy Tasty Recipe

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