Tomato pesto under 5 minutes

Tomato pesto under 5 minutes
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This tomato pesto is really one of the easiest recipe you can lay your hands on and it tastes heavenly. In fact you’ll want to use this tomato pesto over and over again. I like to serve it with pasta, on sandwiches, pizzas, salads, fish, chicken, pretty much anything. Its super versatile and  just bursting with seasonal flavors and nutrients. If you haven´t got a hand blender or food processor yet, it´s about time to buy one now because this is the only requirement for making this pesto.

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Tomato Pesto Under 5 minutes
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Total Time
5 min
Total Time
5 min
  1. 7 oz (200 g) Sun dried tomatoes (in oil)
  2. 2-3 Garlic cloves
  3. 3 tbsp pine nuts
  4. A hand full of fresh basil leaves
  5. 5 oz (150 g) parmesan
  6. 2 tbsp water
  7. 2 tbsp oil from the sun dried tomatoes can
  8. Salt
  1. In a food blender mix the sun dried tomatoes (use 2 tbsp of the oil in the can), garlic, pine nuts, basil and parmesan. Pour down the water and oil from the tomatoes while mixing and season with salt. Pulse until you have a smooth creamy pesto
Easy Tasty Recipe

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